Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Sign of a Foretaste of a Feast to Come

I can't really say why, but now it feels complete -- at least official.  The sign arrived today and was installed.  I was disappointed that the few subsequently passing cars didn't screech on the their brakes to stop for a closer look, but perhaps one of these days they will -- after I have branded a trademark rutabaga or something equally exotic.  In the meantime -- and regardless of what it says to others -- it will remind me of the intended work here.  It's purpose, its place, its anchoring and centering demarcation between what has been and all that we hope to grow from what now is.  Beyond that, it will almost certainly serve to generate questions about "who" and "what" and "why", and occasion new opportunities to offer explanation.

Who knows what lateral roots might grow from such beginnings?

1 comment:

grandma marilyn said...

very nice sign - i love it!