Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter Work, and a Few Winter Wishes

It's 4-degrees as the sun peeps over the eastern horizon, but given that this is as warm as it is likely to get today, sooner is probably better than later to get started on the chores.  There is snow again to shovel, although only an inch or so -- far less than the 7-9 inches predicted.  Given that meteorological inaccuracy it’s tempting to wager that instead of the forecasted minus 8 the mercury will climb to a balmy 72.  Tempting, but I’m not feeling quite that lucky.  It is, after all, February in Iowa. It's supposed to be cold.

Confined to their coop and run almost the entirety of yesterday because of the snow and wind, the girls will be anxious for me to clear some snow for traveling spaces to stretch their legs, fluff their feathers and put some distance between themselves and the others while drinking in a little sunlight.  And while I am at it, a more literal “drinking” will be appreciated once I lug a few jugs of water out to replenish their waterers.

Snow clearing, then, plus some spread straw for them to walk on; water and, of course, more feed since I emptied the remnants of the previous bag last evening.  They eat a lot when there is nothing else to do -- which is preferable to the alternative, otherwise known as getting on each other's nerves and pecking one another out of boredom and annoyance.  Sort of like the rest of us.

By that point it will be mid-morning and time for a deserved next cup of coffee.  After that, who knows?  More garden planning perhaps, or seeding, or into town to deliver some eggs and check off a few errands if the roads have been cleared.

Or, if the thermometer behaves like they predict it will, it might be a day to slip into the sweats, kick up the fire, and dust off that book that has been languishing on the nightstand.

Wishful thinking, I know; but wouldn't it be nice.

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